下载福昕 PDF SDK

福昕 PDF SDK HarmoryOS
Foxit PDF SDK for HarmoryOS
福昕 PDF SDK(Windows)
Foxit PDF SDK for Windows (C++ Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Windows (C Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Windows (C# 或 Visual Basic / .NET Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Windows (Java Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Windows (.NET Core Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Windows (Python Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Windows (Node.js)
福昕 PDF SDK(Mac)
Foxit PDF SDK for Mac (C++ Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Mac (Objective-C Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Mac (.NET Core Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Mac (Java Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Mac (Python Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Mac (ARM64 Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Mac (ARM64 Java Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Mac (ARM64 Python Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Mac (ARM64 .NET Core Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Mac (ARM64 Objective-C Library)
福昕 PDF SDK(Linux)
Foxit PDF SDK for Linux (C++ Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Linux (Java Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Linux (.NET Core Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Linux (ARM)
Foxit PDF SDK for Linux (ARM Java)
Foxit PDF SDK for Linux (Python Library)
Foxit PDF SDK for Linux (Node.js)
福昕 PDF Conversion SDK
Foxit Conversion SDK for Windows (C++ Library)
Foxit Conversion SDK for Windows (C Library)
Foxit Conversion SDK for Windows ( .NET Library)
Foxit Conversion SDK for Windows (Java Library)
Foxit Conversion SDK for Windows (.NET Core Library)
Foxit Conversion SDK for Windows (Python Library)
Foxit Conversion SDK for Windows(nodejs_example)
Foxit Conversion SDK for Linux(C++ Library)
Foxit Conversion SDK for Linux (C Library)
Foxit Conversion SDK for Linux (.NET Core Library)
Foxit Conversion SDK for Linux (Java Library arm)
Foxit Conversion SDK for Linux (Java Library)
Foxit Conversion SDK for Linux(C++ Library arm)
Foxit Conversion SDK for Linux(C Library arm)
Foxit Conversion SDK for Linux (Python Library)
Foxit Conversion SDK for Linux(nodejs_example)
福昕 PDF SDK(Web)
Foxit PDF SDK for Web (JavaScript library with standard features, fonts embedded)
Foxit PDF SDK for Web (JavaScript library with full features including document comparison, fonts embedded)
Foxit PDF SDK for Web (JavaScript library without fonts embedded)
Foxit PDF SDK for iOS (catalyst)
Foxit PDF SDK for iOS (Objective-C Library)
福昕 PDF SDK(Android)
Foxit PDF SDK for Android (Java Library)
福昕 PDF ActiveX SDK
Foxit ActiveX Standard
-在 Win/Linux/Mac/Mac ARM 平台添加PDF/A 的支持

PDF/A插件 (Windows)
PDF/A插件 (Linux)
PDF/A插件 (Mac)
PDF/A插件 (MacARM)

-在 Win/Linux/Mac/Mac平台添加DWG转PDF的支持

DWG转PDF转换插件 (Windows)
DWG转PDF转换插件 (Linux)
DWG转PDF转换插件 (Mac)

-在Win/Linux/Mac/Mac ARM平台添加HTML转PDF的支持

HTML转PDF转换插件 (Windows)
HTML转PDF转换插件 (Linux)
HTML转PDF转换插件 (LinuxARM)
HTML转PDF转换插件 (Mac)


OCR插件 (Linux64)


OFD插件 (Windows)
OFD插件 (Linux64)
OFD插件 (LinuxARM64)

-Web 协同插件
